Monday, July 25, 2011

Even though I felt as though i could fall asleep all day yesterday, when it came time to lay my head down... it still took a couple hours and I woke up several times throughout the night. Im still tired today. Its like i have mono or something... Anyhow, i got up at a reasonable time again today, so hopefully ill do better tonight.

Im planning out a recipe to make corn chowder out of the 10-15 ears of corn we have left on the plants out back. I cant wait to eat it. And i should have enough to freeze some for winter. Not much, but some... Then if i can battle the heat later in the week i plan to rip out many of the older plants and send them to the compost bin... If i can get on the ball and set up the lights in the house i can get fall crops started indoors to plant out in august. Who knows though, with me.... well i can almost say it wont happen.

ohk, my feet are asleep. So thats it for now.

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