All of the windows are a blur of condensation. It rained only slightly this morning... Which did nothing but add to the humidity and heat. At least Its cloudy so ive been able to open the curtains up here. I hate sitting in the dark every time I come upstairs in the summer...
I just stretched out on the cold wooden floor so me feet would wake back up. I really need to put the desks back together so I can get this computer off the floor... I do use it a lot less now though. Which is certainly a good thing...
I seem to be having less and less energy each day. I wonder why that is. Maybe Ill try only eating vegetables today and see if that helps...
Also, Unbeknownst to her, I was encouraged by Margaux to start work on my longest running idea to make series of tree identification books and a woodland plant identification book. It would be only of the species living in "my" woods. Its something Ive always wanted to do... I want to take nice photographs of each trees leaves and nuts/seeds/bark during each season of the year and compile them into a book. The photos would be set up sort of botanical illustration style. With a backdrop of blue gray linen. I would hand stitch the names on little cotton tags to pin underneath each variety... I really should get started. I imagine it would take at least a year if not two...
My favorite trees by the way are river birch, sycamore, willows, and many varieties of oak...
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